Tuesday 6 November 2012

Be careful what you ask for

You know that old saying "Be careful what you ask for". I'm now only too aware of its truth.

For some time I've been wondering what had happened to my benefit application.  I've heard not a word. Today the letter came.  I've got a medical next week.

The state I was in before my hospital trip there was no way they could have thought I was fit to work, but now.... Now my unexpected sense of well being shines from my every pore. I look well. I even continue to feel well. Having said that, I wouldn't like to try a trip out without my wheelchair. I still have to sit to peel the spuds & do most of the cooking. I'm just feeling a lot better.

I'm telling myself it's a good sign that they have suggested having the medical at the house, not at one of their offices which they usually do. They presumably must think that would be difficult for me.

It is probably helpful that I have a hospital appointment coming up a few days later for my abdominal problems. I also have a copy of the discharge letter from my recent hospital admission. I would have thought my trips there must be a sign that my present condition is unstable.

I just wish I could look less healthy! Though maybe by next week it will be all change again & we're back to dialling for an ambulance once more.

Meanwhile I've got on the phone to talk to the charity which helped me with filling in the form to see if they've have any advice that might help my case. Maybe someone would even come to witness the interview to ensure it's properly done. 

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