Thursday, 31 March 2011


It's a very busy time. I'm trying to sort out some extra help for us for the immediate. I'm not sure how long we will need that help or for how long. So much depends on the Fox's recovery. So far I've arranged an hour a week for the next 4 weeks for someone to help with the cleaning. But I'm beginning to be aware of the how great is the toll on me & am wondering if an hour is adequate. 

Yesterday, cooking dinner, I accidentally cut my hand. No great deal you might say, but it was stupid & the result of lack of concentration due to my fatigue. I get very accident prone when I'm overtired. I'm also starting on the popping of painkillers. My immediate conclusion is that for the next few days we'll either have takeaways delivered to the house, or we'll have ready meals which need little more than warming up. We may not enjoy those meals as much as our usual fare but they will keep us fed at the minimum of effort for the time being. If this is going to be a long term situation then we'll maybe think again.

My busyness has primarily been in sorting out social workers, care providers, answering worried calls from friends & family, generally trying to fend off anything that might cause potential extra stress.

Meanwhile the Fox remains washed out, feeling like doing nothing more than lying there. He's now lost his appetite as well. He's getting lots of cramps & his stomach is getting upset - the high level of aspirin he's now on, I wonder. I did drive us up to the surgery yesterday, to collect a repeat prescription. That was it for him - back to lying down again. The only time he really picks up is in the evening. I can't quite decide if that is because he is, & always has been, a night owl, or because he takes the dose of aspirin in the early evening & that is maybe easing symptoms a bit for him, or is it that he just sees me flagging as the night draws on & tries to rally for my sake. Whichever it is I will be relieved when we've had the chance to have a chat to his GP next week. Meanwhile I think I might have a look on-line about strokes & their after effects.

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