Thursday, 24 March 2011

A couple of visitors

The Fox went off into the surgery to collect my repeat prescription. I waited in the car.

You can imagine my surprise when a visitor came, followed by another. Who was this visitor? A long-tailed tit. They came & sat on the wing mirror, admiring themselves in the mirror. There was none of the aggressive behaviour so many birds show to a mirror image. No, they looked with curiosity and admiration. Then they hopped onto the windscreen wipers. They had a good look in at me, clearly a very curious specimen. They returned to the mirror before flying off back into the hedge & on to the silver birch trees nearby.

I've never really seen long-tailed tits. Having this pair so close was a real treat. It's probably just as well the window was shut otherwise I suspect they would have come in for an investigate.

Meanwhile today, I'm once more back to waiting for workmen. The joiner is coming to fix the airing cupboard door. Kev may also be coming. The new bit of ceiling has arrived. The towel rail, soap dish & glass holder are due to arrive today. He will be installing them all. 

Then we may finally have the place back to normal. All the cleaning things, normally in the bottom of the airing cupboard, can be cleared off the study floor. All we're really waiting for is the Occupational Therapist of whom there is no sign despite my telling them I couldn't have a shower until they'd been. I'm beginning to think I will have to use the garden chair, even though it hasn't got non-slip feet & just take care.

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