Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Food days

"What's for dinner?" they ask at the Pub.

"Duck with cherry sauce," we reply.

"With black cherries?" asks Gaz, the Pub owner/manager.

"Yes," we say.

Envious eyes all turn our way.

"But it's Monday!" exclaim our friends.

I cannot understand why particular meals should be reserved for particular days, why the more extravagant meals like duck & cherry sauce are too good to have on a Monday. I can see the weekend is the only time when many people have the time to cook something more complicated &/or time-consuming. In times past, before the days of fridges & freezers, that meant Monday was often the left over weekend roast. I don't understand why that should apply now.

I suspect they would be equally alarmed at the idea of us having cod for dinner today. I can almost hear the words "But it's not Friday". As far as I'm concerned any day of the week is a potentially good day for fish.

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