Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The kitchen hunt continues

The snow quickly disappeared yesterday. By lunchtime there was just little bits in gardens & fields. We thought we'd make the most of it & go to look at yet another kitchen company. What a relief this was. A company that was prepared to mention the cost. I'm deeply suspicious of companies that don't tell you the price. I'm always reminded of the saying "If you have to ask, you can't afford it." These days we may be able to afford it, but whether we want to afford it is another question. Ultimately I want to compare the prices. I know how I feel about the aesthetics & workmanship, but is it worth the extra price for corian or granite, rather than laminate? That's the sort of question I need to resolve before I feel I can really come to any decision. Without prices it's impossible to come to any sensible conclusion.

As the Fox mentions in his blog, we were reasonably satisfied with the quality & designs of what we saw. They recommended us to first sort out exactly what appliances we want so they can then organise the units to fit around in a satisfactory way. So, this morning, I'm hitting the computer & trying to decide precisely which ovens, hobs, microwaves, dishwashers etc we want. That will be a useful exercise whoever we finally buy from. I want equipment that suits my purpose, our usage, rather than what someone else thinks is best for us.

It was reassuring when we got home to see the answerphone flashing. Our financial consultant. He was just thinking it was time for our annual review. He asked if there was any big expenses on the horizon. I told him about the kitchen & the silly prices we'd heard so far (£20,000+ for a new kitchen for a house worth about £100,000 if we wanted to sell) & our urge for a holiday in Borneo. We're looking forward to seeing just how much we are worth now, with all the jitteriness of recession, to know whether we can afford both. Stuart's reaction was "Go on the holiday. The kitchen can wait." A man after my own heart.

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