Sunday, 15 February 2009

A fair-weather Christian?

I'm beginning to question if I'm not a fair-weather Christian. Once again it's wet & I've not got off to church - you get very wet in a wheelchair & my electric scooter doesn't like the wet. I've not been to church once this year, between ice, snow, rain, & just plain cold. I feel a bit guilty. I try telling myself that if God wanted me there, He needs to do something about the weather. I mention my guilty feelings to the Fox.

"No, you're not a fair-weather Christian, just a fair-weather church goer," he tells me.

I'm reassured. There is a difference. Even if I don't get to church, I try to spend a part of Sunday morning reading the Bible readings that are part of the service I would have attended if I'd gone, & saying a few prayers. Ultimately God is not ignored & remains a central part of my life. That's the important thing.

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