Wednesday 6 March 2013

On its way

The recent days of blue skies has definitely brought the onrush of spring. Whenever we go out, we stop to look at the front garden. We wonder at the clusters of purples, golds and whites that are the crocuses opened up to greet the sunshine. The snowdrops are still in full flower, too. They all close up again as the evening chill arrives. The first fresh green fronds are appearing on the fennel. Soon it will be covered in fluffy green fronds.

The back garden is dominated by the spring time activities of the birds. Once more the blue tits are hanging around the hedge outside the kitchen window. The hedge, a series of leylandia kept at shoulder height, dead in some parts – drowned in the part that is flooded more often than not – is the tits’ last stopping place before the dash to the nest box on the laundry room wall.

The blackbirds are becoming much more territorial once again, filling the dawn & twilight hours with mellifluous song. Skirmishes arise when birds encounter one another, especially when there’s a lady around.

Winter’s not entirely gone. We still have heavy frosts at night, whitening cars, roofs and gardens, but during the day it seems much milder. I’ve even turned the central heating off during the day. You still definitely need it on at night!

I always find spring uplifting. I think it is to do with all the signs of new life, helped by the longer, milder, hours of daylight. Possibly, too, that some heavier garments can be discarded, no longer the need for boots & woolly hats. Life itself seems lighter, brighter, more optimistic.

Today is once more overcast but it remains dry. I half-expect to hear we’re into drought conditions once more! It’s not rained for over a week! I’ve had to regularly fill the bird bath with water for our avian friends. I didn’t do that often last year.

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