Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The return of winter

Yesterday I was decidedly off. I'd had a bad night the night before. One of those you spend more time awake than asleep. Throughout the morning my eyes were heavy. I put it down to the fumes from the onion I had been peeling, then frying for the curry. Even my stomach ached once more, along with my knees. All in all I felt decidedly off.

We were going to do our food shopping somewhere other than our usual Morrisons, but in the end we decided to go to our usual supermarket for speed - just a brief top-up fortunately. I was surprised to say somewhere mid-shop I picked up a bit. The supermarket was followed by the library for some new jigsaws & to return "The Heretic's Daughter", not a book I would recommend. I'm not taking any more books out until after our holidays as they don't have any books in French & it's time I turned my thoughts to a bit of revision, hence my new book is La Fontaine's "Fables" from off our own bookshelves. We even went on to the village pub for a quick couple of drinks before coming home. The curry was quickly heated up. Once filled, I rapidly flagged out. I was to bed straight after dinner to only re-emerge this morning, once more feeling myself.

By dinnertime I'd come to the conclusion that ill-ease had been caused by the sudden change in weather. (It is a recognised fact that a sudden change in air pressure affects people with joint complaints.) Winter has returned with a vengeance. The temperature has dropped like a stone. Showers are back, with the odd fleck of something white. Today the gales are blowing. They feel as though they're straight from the Arctic. I said a didn't trust the warmth of late. It seems my fears were justified. My clouts will remain uncast for a while yet. Until we're back from our hols I suspect, maybe not even then.

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