Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Going Vietnamese

We're dining out today. It's my birthday so we're off to celebrate with PD & LIn. It will be the first time the Fox & I have gone Vietnamese. PD reckons the food is good. They often get their takeaways from there. I gather much of the menu is essentially Chinese though there are Vietnam specialities. We're curious to find out what is on offer.

We're equally curious about the building. When I rang up to make the booking, as usual I checked access. I was told inside the door, level access, there is a "ditch". This has left us somewhat bemused. I don't think I've ever been in a building with its  own ditch just inside the entrance - a ruined castle is perhaps the nearest to the concept. I'm assuming this is a language mistranslation & they mean a single step down. Whatever it is we will find out this evening. I was told just to let them know we have arrived & staff will come out to get me in. They're experienced at getting wheelchairs inside.

I did contemplate going along to the library this afternoon for the book reading club meeting, having read the appropriate book. I've changed my mind. I've decided it is more important to feel with-it this evening. If I don't go, I will have chance to have an afternoon zizz if I should need it. I dare say I will be able to discover what the next book is & when the subsequent meeting is easily enough.

Yesterday I was pleased to get a phone call from my cousin Ann to wish me happy birthday. It's not that she got the date wrong. Ann is the cousin who has cancer. The next couple of days are going to be busy for her with blood tests & hospital trips, checking how she's doing. It sounds as though she's doing remarkably well. She's still having chemo, but now she's no longer having adverse effects. She's getting back to more normal life, taking Ben, her dog for long walks once more. She's even putting on a bit of weight again. So fingers crossed it will only be good news. I will give her a bell at the weekend to find out. I thought it was nice of her to ring especially when she'd already sent a card with her good wishes.

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