Monday, 31 May 2010

No sun day

I was just listening to the weather forecast over breakfast. The conclusion - the one thing they could definitely say is that it won't be sunny. Well, I've got news for them. We have clear blue skies. It's even warm enough for me to fling open the windows for the first time in days. I had the washing out on the line before 8am & things are already drying.

As we're off out for dinner today, I have no food to prepare this morning. Instead, as the day is looking so lovely, I'm hoping to catch up on some of the gardening chores that need to be done.

We managed to construct the mini raised bed we bought for the Fox's vegetables, so hopefully a few things will get planted out. I'm also hoping for a bit of a weed & tidy up of the herb garden & the bog garden.

And if I get all that done I'll be ready for an afternoon nap before we go off for our meal.

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