Wednesday 19 June 2019

Tiring day

The Fox continues to take two steps forward, one step back.

Yesterday was a tiring day for me. It was my home help day. In some ways this often seems a tiring day. Partly it is because this is a social time for me. It’s amazing how exhausting socialising, having to be fairly with-it for a sustained period of time, is.

Afterwards we ventured to the surgery to collect the Fox’s medication from the chemist there. We decided to go on to the village pub for a short while. It was not our usual time for going there, so we were reasonably confident we would avoid our friends. The Fox can’t face socialising at the moment. As I say, it’s surprising just how tiring socialising can be.

We came home we found some wine had arrived in need of our attention. We sorted through what had come & put away the ones we’ve had before. The rest we will list so we know we have them.

By this time the Fox was exhausted, as was I having lugged around those heavy cases. He went for a lie down for a couple of hours & I went to jig.

Then there was dinner to cook – Plaice Meunière. The Fox only managed to eat half a fillet, a few chips & green beans. He was too tired, & rather depressed at his failure to instantly recover his strength & along with it his appetite, to do the washing up so that was my job. By the time I was changed it was already 8pm. A quick look at an hour long quiz on the TV & I was ready for bed. That’s me exhausted too.

I think we’d overdone it. Today we’re hoping to get a bit of fresh food. Not much as I’m still in two minds whether the Fox will manage to eat anything I prepare. We bought some Complan, a strawberry flavoured food substitute in the hope at least that way he may manage to get the vitamins & other food elements which are essential for his well-being. I just hope in the process that his appetite for solid food isn’t going to be even more reduced. We’ll see.

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