Well, I’m safely home. Bruised & battered admittedly. I did
in fact come home on the day of the op, around midnight. We stopped on the way
home at the 24hour Asda to collect a quick microwaveable meal as I’d only had a
slice of toast to eat all day.
Yesterday morning was spent half dozing. I suspect it was partly
the long day before, partly the last of the anaesthetic as my op had been in
the afternoon.
In the afternoon, we had a return trip to Kendal as, in our rush
to get home, we’d left my sandals at the hospital. I soon discovered just how
many potholes there are on the road to Kendal & back. I ended up holding on
to my breast to ensure it didn’t joggle around too much.
We came back on the country lanes as there was a long tailback
on the motorway – rumour suggested it went as far south as an accident on the
M62. After passing a stretch where some hedging had been done, a message came
up to say our tyre pressure was low. We stopped at the golf club, partly to
give me a break from the jostling, partly to check the tyre. There’s no sign of
a flat. However, the Fox will go into Kwikfit to check later today – I can’t
face another bumpy ride so soon, even if it’s only to Lancaster rather than
I’m now doing my physio exercises to avoid a frozen shoulder.
The Fox is doing the cooking – Spicy Turkey & Sweetcorn today. I shall have
another quiet day.
Half my breast, beyond the dressing is clearly bruised. However,
the pain level is on the whole less than that I regularly have in my knees. I
can cope with it. At the moment I’m just a bit frustrated as I’m not to raise
my left arm too high, lift with it or push down on it. It’s making the
practicalities of daily life a little more difficult as I usually push myself up
with both arms to stand. If the Fox helps me up, he usually pulls on one arm
while I push with the other – impossible at the moment. It also means I cannot
push myself in the wheelchair.
After the weekend the main dressing is to come off & I’m to
have a shower, carefully patting dry around the wound. One good thing is that
they managed to remove both the tumour & the sentinel lymph gland from just
the one incision, not the two predicted.
I shall remain radioactive for another week or two so will need
a doctor’s note if I’m travelling abroad. However, I’ve no plans to go
anywhere. The blue dye remains apparent in my breast but nowhere else. My urine
had returned to a normal colour so clearly the dye is working its way out of my
In another couple of weeks I will be seeing the surgeon again.
Then I will hear the results of the tests on the removed matter & find out
what further treatment, if any, will be needed. Hopefully I will then have a
clearer idea when the whole business will be over & life will be able to
settle back to normal. We’ll then try to work out some holidays. I suspect we
will be ready for a break. France already seems a long time ago. We may even
try for a few quiet days away in Britain once I feel more like myself again.