Wednesday, 17 June 2015


The windows are yielding all sorts of surprises. 

On Monday, one of the men removed one of the old kitchen window frames to discover an ants' nest. Hundreds came pouring out as they rushed to rescue the eggs that had been dislodged. We hastily doused the area with ant-killer before the new frame was inserted. Fortunately they did not run into the kitchen, just outwards or down the cavity wall.

Yesterday's surprise came when another workman started to take out the lounge window frame. As he undid a screw suddenly a fountain of water poured out, soaking him & the ground around.

The second unexpected event was not so amusing as one man managed to cut open his hand & had to be rushed off to the hospital to check he hadn't cut through anything serious. Fortunately he did not. He's back at work today with one had bandaged & gloved.

So today's surprise? While starting on the study window, they discovered the frame had been packed with old newspapers. One 4 page sheet they managed to get out intact. It is the Sunday Times dated October 22 1972. I knew the windows looked old but I hadn't realised they were that old! Or maybe I did. They reminded me a bit of windows my parents installed around 1970, though my parents only had secondary windows added.

It's quite fascinating seeing ads for holidays to exotic holidays in Majorca for just £24! It's a long time since holidays were that cheap.

I wonder what surprises will appear next.

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