Monday 10 November 2014

Not doing

“What have you two been up to lately?” he asks.

How I hate that question. As we see the questioner most weeks, it’s difficult to answer. Like most disabled people, my life goes around in small circles. You’ve probably realised that by now.

I don’t actually do much. My time is spent writing my blog, watching tele, doing the shopping & cooking, jigging, reading,  attempting as many of the daily chores everybody else does as I can cope with.  We try to get out most afternoons to see other people & have a chat. None of this is particularly newsworthy. Indeed it is rather boring as a subject matter for a potential conversation.

I suppose I do a lot of thinking, hence the fact I’m rarely short of something to write about here. But again I can hardly claim this as something exciting to tell someone else about.

You can see why I hate the question. Do I go on about the minutiae of my life? Or do I admit to doing nothing & having a rather boring life? And yet I don’t find my life boring. I get great satisfaction from doing my jigsaws, from the conversations I have with my friends & acquaintances, from listening to music & the radio, from reading my books, from watching the birds in the garden, above all from simply being with the Fox. I just don’t do much. Instead I watch & think.

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