Wednesday 26 November 2014

And yet another

The shepherd’s pie is all ready to go in the oven this evening.

You can tell food shop day is today. The rain is coming down solidly. I do hope when we go away, we have weather like we did earlier in the week. Those days were cold, very cold, proper winter temperatures, but they were also bright & dry. The cold can be wrapped up against. The wet just makes everything look miserable. It discourages you from strolling around the streets to explore - something we love to do on holiday.

We went down to the village pub yesterday to find that yet again there was a new landlord.  Of late we seem to have had a new one every couple of months. Some we’ve been relieved to see go. Others just start to set the place on a more positive path, with a nicer atmosphere, better food, warmer welcome, increasing customer base, when they leave.

Rumour has it that the brewery wants to sell the pub or close it down. It would be a great pity if they did. It is the only pub in the centre of the pub. 

It’s an old building dating from the 17th century I would guess. The other pub nearby are dominated by huge TV screens, something we hate. We go to the pub to meet people, for the crack, not to watch TV. Most visitors would never even find the other pubs they are so far from the centre of the village, especially if the tourists had walked along the prom from Morecambe.

It is also the heart of the village, though few of the recent landlords have done much to encourage communal spirit.

We fear it may be on its way to closure. It will be a loss felt by many.

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