Wednesday, 29 October 2014

The First Nowell

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Christmas is nearly here!

It came as a shock to receive our first Christmas present earlier this week. Our friend, Dor, had gone to the effort of making us a stand-up calendar for next year.  She included all sorts of pictures she thought we might be interested in, including some of her own paintings. She is, by nature, a miniaturist, someone interested in the small detail, though on their last cruise she did learn to let herself go & try to capture movement in a more fluid style.

She & her husband are off for a month’s cruise next week. They knew we are off to Amsterdam in December & so thought we might not see each other until after Christmas, hence the little present. As it happens we return not many days after them, so we should bump into them anyway before the day arrives.

Coming back from the golf club, where we usually meet them, I couldn’t help noticing the Christmas trees sticking out above some of the hotels- so much more obvious now it’s dark by 5pm. In the windows you could see some hotels are already bedecked with glittering items dangling from ceilings. Personally I can’t help thinking surely it’s still October. There’s lots of time to go before Christmas, but I suppose commercial businesses have to get their clients into festive, & therefore, extravagant spendthrift spirit.  

Our festivities are unlikely to begin before December & our trip to Amsterdam & its Christmas fairs. I will try to get our cards written before we go so they will be ready to post as soon as we’re home again, but that’s all I intend to do before.

Meanwhile, today, we’re having a Turkey Quiche for dinner, using up some of last year’s Christmas turkey. We need to make room for this year’s. Clearly Christmas is coming on apace.

Monday, 27 October 2014

A day out?

I'm up early yet againI've clearly not yet adjusted to the change of hour.

It's a grey day, but at least so far it is dry. If it continues like this we're hoping to go off for that long drive in the new car. 

The Fox could do with some new woollies before we go off to a potentially freezing Amsterdam in December. From our university days at Hull, we remember only too well how cold the winds can be when they blow from the east in winter. We suspect Amsterdam will be as bad.

Morecambe is a terrible place for clothes shopping, especially for men. Most of the shops sell cheap tat. A couple of shops sell seconds but sometimes they can be very definitely seconds. 

We were thinking of going off towards Preston or Blackpool but access to the motorway or the A6 south is via Lancaster, & that is a bit of a nightmare at the moment due to sewer works digging up half the roads. 

We're contemplating instead a trip up to Kendal, or even the Lakes, somewhere like Bowness, Ambleside, Grasmere or Hawkshead. We've yet to decide. Meanwhile I just hope it continues overcast but dry. I don't fancy a shop in rain, or even a long drive in rain.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

The clocks change

And so the clocks change as winter approaches. I am up incredibly early, awake long before 7am. Tonight it will be dark early.

From time to time it is suggested that, in this country, we should cease changing the hour twice a year. I can’t help noticing those voices tend to be from the south of the country.

As someone who lives in the north of England, I really do appreciate that extra light in the morning. I hate getting up in the dark, having to put lights on, harshly stinging the eyes when first you wake & get up. By the evening, the weather is usually so terrible I’m ready to draw the curtains, batten down the hatches & huddle around a fire, metaphorically at least in these days of central heating.

I remember only too well the time we experimented with British Standard Time in the 1970s. I remember cycling to school in the dark. At the same time there were power cuts so we had to go up & down the stone staircases of our school to morning assembly in almost pitch black. And it still wasn’t that bright when it came to cycling home in the evening.

I am somewhat surprised, though, today to find ,despite the wind blowing the plants everywhere & the definite feeling that winter is on its way, it is very mild outside. It’s a warm wind for once. Quite a change.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Getting a few things done

I’ve finally managed to talk to one of our neighbours. While we were away in France he built a wall, topped with a lattice fence, to demarcate our property boundaries. He’s done a really good job. We’re now waiting until the better weather next year to add some paint – we’re thinking something terracotta to complement the colour of the stone of the courtyard garden there. We’ve been looking out ever since to thank him for his efforts & to offer to pay towards the cost of it. I’ve finally managed to do so.

Meanwhile we’re desperately trying to read the manual to our new car. Technology has certainly advanced since our last car was made. Now we’re trying to learn about not having a hand brake, lights & wipers that come on automatically, cruise controls, speedlimiting controls etc. etc.

The Fox at least is now feeling more confident of his driving. I’m not sure I am. My one venture out was when we went to do our food shopping. I found it a nightmare as I tried to get familiar with the different controls at the same time coping with lots of traffic.  I’m not sure I even want to have another go. I’m telling myself I must as I may have to do some driving at some time in the future. I’m hoping we can have a nice day soon when we can venture off for the day. I suspect I would be happier if I could practice on some quieter roads first until I can get used to the controls & the proportions of the new car. I just hope that day comes soon.