Friday 17 January 2014

Getting busy

Life seems to have got very busy of late. This week has involved two visits to the hospital – for physiotherapy for the Fox, more on that can be found on his blogsite. Next week we will have another two hospital visits – once to the Queen Vic for physio & one into Lancaster for a mammogram. I’m relieved to say the latter one is just the routine three year event. I’m hoping all is well, but with one of my cousins being recently diagnosed with breast cancer, I can’t help feeling a little anxious.

We keep trying to settle down to the idea of finding ourselves a spring holiday but if we do we have time to settle down we’re both so shattered we don’t feel up to the looking. All we want to do is flop. I’ve been so exhausted I’ve been to bed before 9pm several times.

We did get an e-mail from a disability travel company promoting one idea that did appeal. It’s for a week’s river cruise on the Nile. Egypt & the pyramids are not the first place either of us would immediately think of visiting, but this ship just looks so comfortable & relaxing, a treat to go on. However, a quick look at the temperatures in that part of the world convinces us it’s a holiday to keep in mind for a winter’s break rather than May – September when the temperatures soar into the upper 30s to 40s.

We had decided to change our food shop day to Wednesday this year. For one thing the car park tends to be emptier. Tuesday, our old shopping day, is market day across the road. The car park at the supermarket is free unlike the one around the market so most locals use the supermarket car park & walk across the road. On top of that the store tends to be better stocked, especially with fresh products such as fish & veg. And the local paper comes out on Wednesday so that can be bought at the same time as doing the rest of the shopping. Having made the decision to change shopping day, we now seem to be going to the hospital as a regular thing on Wednesday. By the time the Fox is done, he is sometimes in no state to start the shop. So we’re back to the Tuesday shop. So much for that idea. Maybe we will be able to change the day later in the year.

Thursday is our home help’s day to visit. She’s a real whirlwind through the house. She takes a real pleasure in cleaning, something I have difficulty in understanding. To me cleaning has never been anything but a chore, a necessary chore but a chore nonetheless.

Friday has become the day to go to the golf club to meet up with friends & indulge in a bacon butty each. Though next week that might be off due to my hospital trip.

We’re beginning to think it’s time we had another couple of days away to unwind. All this hospitalling is too much for us, even though theoretically it’s for our own good. It’s just so exhausting!

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