Sunday 7 April 2013


We’re getting worried now. On Thursday the Fox had to go to see the doc. Most of March he’s not been feeling himself. He’s been hit by waves of nausea & an upset tum, not exactly painful but unsettled. Things seemed to be getting worse earlier in the week so he finally went to see the GP, not his usual one.

As we expected, there was nothing obvious. On Friday we were back at the surgery for various blood samples to be taken. Now we wait until the beginning of May for the results.

He’s been given some antispasmodic medication. It does seem to be easing things. The Fox has also reduced his alcohol intake, joining me in grape juice with dinner & in the evening as we listen to jazz & put the world to rights.

However, we are beginning to wonder if the trip to Italy is going to have to be cancelled. We’re due to leave here the Sunday after he sees the doctor on the Friday. He’s telling himself, provided it doesn’t get dramatically worse, we can still go, even if we essentially end up staying at the hotel reading  most of the time. We’re trying to convince ourselves that we’re just reacting to stress (problems with benefits, the family bad news, everyday pressures of life etc), & for that matter, even to the excitement of our Italian adventure.

This coming week I’m intending to tackle the depressing task of getting some quotations for travel insurance. I’ve no idea what I can say about his latest problem. It’s not even been diagnosed at this stage. It could be a myriad of problems, some minor, some serious, but which? I suspect the premiums have just gone up yet again.

And should I get a year’s insurance or just the single trip? It usually works out cheaper to pay for one annual rather than two separate trips.

I’m certainly getting nervous about the idea of booking a second holiday abroad later in the year. We had been thinking of going to France then. At the moment I think we would be wiser to wait & see how things go. I just hope this isn’t going to be another year like last year, only with the Fox being the patient instead of me.

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