Saturday 16 February 2013

That holiday

I’ve just about given up on this Italian holiday. The company who arranges it, Saga, have now taken about 2 weeks to organise it & have still not yet established whether there is a wheelchair accessible room available at the sort of time we’re interested in going.

After the first week they did ring back to check why I needed a wheelchair accessible shower. I would have thought that was obvious, but I explained yet again I am wheelchair user so need a shower with  some grab handles & a seat in it, preferably with a flat entrance, though I could probably manage a slight lip in. Silence is all there’s been since. The Fox keeps telling me I should give them a ring, but I can’t help thinking it’s too much hassle when they clearly don’t want our custom.

With this in mind we popped along to the travel agents again to get some brochures on the Italian lakes area. Now I have a different problem.

The brochures are full of fabulous-looking hotels. None of them give clear information about access. Without that, I’m wary of getting too excited about any destination in case it isn’t. I’m also feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of exciting places & no real criteria on which to make a decision.

I’m slowly ploughing through the websites of various hotels. I can’t help thinking life would be so much easier if they would all clearly state if they had adapted rooms, or rooms that were at least potentially useable by a person with limited mobility.

So far I’ve not found one that excites me as much as the Saga holiday did. I’ve not cancelled my provisional booking with them so we may yet be going with them if they would only get back to us.

Meanwhile we're planning that couple of  days away in Kendal. Maybe I'll be able to cope better with this holiday hunt after that.

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