Saturday, 18 August 2012

The easy life

The world is very grey. We're back in the world of rain with occasional breaks. I'm not the only one on holiday. The sun too has gone on holiday.

In this year's storms our garden has suffered a certain amount of damage. Our trellis is very rickety. It's come apart in places with the result one section comes forward unattached. The collared doves & wood-pigeons have found this great. Now they can sit on the part of the trellis that leans forward & eat the seeds from the bird feeders dangling from the next section of the trellis. It's not that we entirely object to this, but they do frighten off all the little birds we'd much prefer to see. These big guys can be awful bullies. They even fight off the magpies!

The Fox has fastened the section that was leaning forward back. I see, though, today the wood-pigeons have found another seat to sit on to reach the dangling feeders. I dare say the doves will soon be following their example.

The other noticeable damage also affects our birds. In the last lot of winds the roof blew off the free-standing bird table where we usually put our food scraps for our feathered friends. Or at least those scraps we think may appeal to them. Now there is no shelter either from overflying birds of prey or from the rain. The trays on the feeder flood with rainwater making the food contents look very unattractive & unappealing. I suspect before long we're going to have to find a new stand for the birds.

This entry is maybe a reflection of the fact I'm trying to have a quiet morning so I'll have some energy for this evening's party. It's very stressful deliberately trying to relax. Instantly I think of all those things I want to do, almost inevitably requiring a certain amount of exercise & effort in the process, which I mustn't do if I'm going to be fit for the party. So far I've had a shower, to make sure my hair is shining clean - a silvery halo on top of my head - & listened to a bit of radio with a bit of looking wistfully out of the window. Next I'll try a bit of jigsaw before attempting a nap. 

I hope the party is worth all my preparatory (non)effort. We'll probably end up staying only an hour or so at the end of the day. We'll see how it goes. Much will depend upon who we bump into there.

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