Sorry it's been a while since I last wrote. I did try to settle down to writing on Tuesday. I'd just got onto the Internet when the doorbell went - Al, the gardener. As I knew that would mean inevitable disruption, more than just opening the gate & paying at the end, I just signed off again. Since than it's been back to chores, ironing etc.
At the moment I seem on the go-slow. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe it's something to do with the number of disrupted nights I've had of late due to the abdominal pains I've been having. The few days when I'm not woken by pain, I'm just so zonked out I'm most reluctant to move in the morning.
However, here I am today. The summer sun seems to have disappeared again. The temperatures remain surprisingly warm for such overcast breezy days.
On Monday I was shocked to a get a letter from one of our investments. We had been trying to get them to take some action on our behalf. I had had it confirmed by phone that the action had been taken. I asked for confirmation in writing. Imagine my shock to read "We confirm this action has not been done". I hastily rang again. Again on their files the action had been done. Further up the chain of command would have to look into the matter. Later that day I had a phone call from them apologising profusely. The previous letter had been a clerical error. The "not" should have read "now". It was the sort of mistake the spellchecker had failed to notice &, of course, no human had bothered to re-read the letter. Isn't technology wonderful! Yesterday we got a letter confirming the action had indeed been taken.
It's so easy these days to assume spellchecker will pick up any errors. Unfortunately, as in this case, a perfectly valid word may have been written. It can even make grammatical sense. But what a difference a letter can make. In this instance it totally reversed the meaning of the missive.
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