Wednesday 14 May 2014

Ruffled chaos

I’m just back from the hairdresser. It’s time for the holiday tidy-up. The style has changed a bit. This time it’s the “ruffled” look. I gather that’s in fashion. I don’t really care as long as it’s short & care-free. Certainly, in the summer, I’m happy to have a style that doesn’t require blow-drying but can be left to dry naturally.

While I was there, I was bemused by a news/traffic story on the radio. Apparently the M62 has virtually ground to a halt as a cargo of chickens has escaped. There are birds running around everywhere. I have visions of cars screeching to a halt to avoid flattening them. There are hundreds of them apparently. It sounds like utter chaos.

I arrived home on the Mean Machine, my electric mobility scooter, hair appropriately ruffled. For once I didn’t feel the need to instantly tidy it up, despite the breeze blowing through my hair on my journey home & not having it sprayed. It just looks naturally tidy. I think this style will sit me well.

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