Thursday 1 May 2014


It’s a sure sign of just how tired I am, how much I need a holiday.

Yesterday I managed to have two accidents, only minor ones. The first happened when I ventured into the garden after dinner to put the last slice of garlic bread out for the birds. Neither of us wanted any more.

While I was out, I thought I’d just check the bird feeders. I’ve not kept much of an eye on them since the men started to clear the garden a bit last month. The feeders used to hang from the trellis which has now been dismantled. As a result the feeders are now hanging from a hook on the house building wall, too close to humans & too open for predators. Needless to say there hasn’t been many visitors.

Anyhow I soon discovered some of the seed had got wet & was sprouting a bit & glued together a bit. I decided to loosen up the seeds, putting some on the bird table. As I walked back to the house I managed to walk into a rough low stone wall, badly grazing my lower leg. I’m expecting the bruising to appear any time now. Fortunately I didn’t gush blood, just gained a lot of bloody pinpricks.

That was minor accident number one.

The second happened during the night. I felt the urge to go to the loo. I got up, slamming my head into the nearby wardrobe. The Fox heard the sound of the thwack in the next room, even through a solid wall. My forehead still feels sensitive - another bruise on its way.

I’ve noticed before I get very clumsy when I’m overtired and I’ve certainly been feeling very tired the last couple of weeks.

I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to going away, to have someone else do everything for me, to not have to even think what to make for dinner every day, a spell of complete relaxation. Now we just have to hope the hotel & its environs are as nice as they look in the pictures. Roll on holiday time.

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