Thursday 27 September 2012

Mutton perhaps

Yesterday was a ropey day. My abdomen was playing up badly. By the afternoon all I felt up to doing was lying down & keeping as still as possible. This 8, now 7, week wait to go to the hospital seems a long time. I'm already looking eagerly for the letter in the post from the hospital with the appointment date & time.

It was pity. We actually had predominantly blue skies. It would be a great day to go out for a bit.

Today it's once more grey & wet. Typical. We're hoping to get off to the Farmers' Market later on. There wasn't one last month. We missed it. The meat in particular tends to be of so much better quality at a similar, if not lesser, price than the supermarket.

I'm contemplating trying to see if I can buy some mutton. I've never tried mutton, always lamb. I think this stall is the first place I've ever seen that sells mutton. From all accounts it is supposed to be more packed with flavour than lamb, though I do appreciate the delicacy of the latter.

Mutton does really seem to have gone out of favour in this country. I appreciate if it's a very old animal, it may be very tough & unexciting, But I can't see why there shouldn't be something inbetween, a stage where the animal has matured sufficiently to add more depth of flavour without excess toughness. 

Anyhow, we'll see. I'm also thinking of buying a leg of lamb to roast at the weekend. We haven't had a roast for a while - the last time was when the Fox roasted a pheasant at the beginning of the month. I'm also hoping to get some pork steaks & some sausages. I had to resort to some sausages from another source earlier in the month - and very sorry examples of a sausage they proved to be, tough-skinned & flavourless.

Now I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get too wet in the process. It looks more like a day of showers rather than the non-stop onslaught we had earlier in the week. 

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