Hello there. I'm not the greatest computer whizz kid so forgive me as I feel my way into this new blog space. I was finally getting to grips with the blog site on AOL but as they are closing that down so I'm moving here, following the footsteps of The Oxcliffe Fox, my husband.
I suppose I'd better introduce myself as I expect some of you will be new to me as a writer. I'm in my 50s. I'm disabled, being at present a part-time wheelchair user. I also have some mental health problems as I have periods of severe depression.
Long ago, or so it seems now, I got a law degree, which even now I still find useful as I take on battles against bureaucracy & injustice. Apart from that, I love life, love my garden, its plants & wildlife, love cooking, regularly experimenting & trying new things. I love the area we live in, being on Morecambe Bay overlooking the Lakeland fells. I spend a lot of time jigsawing & doing crosswords & other puzzles. They keep me quiet & stop me doing more than I can really cope with.
Most days the Fox & I venture to the Pub, where a regular group of us meet for a chat. We call ourselves Geriatrics' Corner, as most of us are either retired or younger but disabled, unable to work. Once a month we get together in the evening to go out for a meal. So it is that tonight we're off out for a meal with the gang. We're trying a pub which has recently re-opened after years of neglect & a total revamp.
I love travel too. We've just come back from 2 weeks holiday near Perpignan in France, but more of that & our adventures another time. I'm hoping one day to get to Brunei, land of my birth. We were hoping to go next year, but with the way the finanacial world seems to be at the moment I'm not sure if that won't have to wait.
I love reading. I read just about anything, including the back of sauce bottles! On holiday I got through Kate Mosse's "Labyrinth" (a novel set in the South of France, largely in the 12th century & the time of the Cathars) & Khaled Hosseini's "The Kite Runner" (a novel set in Afghanistan).
I enjoy going to the occasional art exhibition. I was really wowed by Emily Carr who's work we discovered on a trip to Canada in May this year. On that trip I was also impressed by the photographs of Mary Schaffer Warren.
That should give you some idea of me & my life. for more you'll just have to read the blogs as I write them. I hope you enjoy them, and maybe occastionally have pause for thought or a laugh.
I think that was a pretty good introduction! Welcome to your new home!
Thanks Malcolm. Nice to hear from you again.
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