Friday, 31 October 2008

One new brain needed

I'm rapidly beginning to come to the conclusion that I need a new brain. My present one is becoming a sieve!

I realised I hadn't quite felt myself of late. Yesterday I discovered the cause. After starting the day tealess on Tuesday, I'd totally forgotten to take my other breakfast pill. I forgot it again on Wednesday. I'm back on it now & feeling better for it.

Whilst in France this time, French hadn't come as trippingly to my ear as usual, making it difficult to follow news programmes etc on the TV. Yesterday, I sat in the Pub. Phil, the Wizardman, & the Fox were discussing computers, various programs, different equipment, etc. Little B (who's in his 70s & has only just got his first computer, a laptop which he's having difficulty even switching on) & I looked at each other. They might have been talking a different language as far as we were concerned.

Now I sit down to write my blog & suddenly remember I put the washing machine on earlier & have completely forgotten to nudge it on. It's certainly not going to dry, sitting in a pool of water in the machine. I've hastily nudged it on and the washing is now hanging on the rails above the boiler in the laundry room.

What next, I wonder.

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