Saturday, 16 May 2015

Home again

Hello again. This is a brief note just to let you know we’re safely home again. At the moment we’re in a mad scurry of trying to sort ourselves out again.

Yesterday was washing & a trip to the golf club to reassure friends we were back.

We’ve just about got through the pile of post that made it almost impossible to get through our front door when we got back. Most of it is junk or redundant (election pamphlets, mainly).

Carol, our new gardener came yesterday. Wow, the garden had certainly burgeoned in our absence, full of lush greenness. The silver birches now have a bright yellow undergrowth of rape, with the odd pink ragwort & Spanish bluebell in the mix. The rhododendrons have turned out to be a subtle peach colour. All sorts have appeared, yet to be fully discovered.

We cooked our first meal yesterday, a simple burger & chips. Today it’s a Vixen classic – Mini Pies. That will symbolise really being home. They’re all ready to go in the oven this evening.

We’re going through the phase of trying to pick up the threads once more. I’ve had a go at chasing up Social Services about my new perching stool for the bathroom & for the money for paying Linda, our home help. Hopefully there will be some progress on that next week.

Oh it’s good to be home!  On the whole it’s been a good holiday & we’re ready to once more to take on the challenges of daily life. I'll tell you more about our holidays when we're a bit more organised.

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