Saturday 30 March 2013


The phone rings. I half expect it to be my cousin Ann. I tried to ring her earlier on but got no reply. As I was only ringing to thank her for her Easter card, I didn’t bother to leave a message on her Answerphone. But no, it’s another nuisance call.

Some years ago we got ourselves on the list of people no reputable company should cold call. Lately, though, we seem to have been inundated yet again. Rarely a day goes by without at least one.

The usual one - sometimes every hour it comes – is a pre-recorded voice telling me it’s about our PPI claim. This one I put the phone down immediately I hear the recorded voice.

Today’s voice was live. It was what sounded like an African woman reckoning she represents some firm of solicitors about a minor car accident we’ve had in the last three years. Apart from the fact we haven’t had any such accident, which I didn’t bother to tell her, I pointed out we were on the list not to call as we didn’t appreciate cold calls. I then said goodbye & put down the receiver.

The proliferation of these calls really gets to me. Not only do I worry about those people conned into giving private information away, possibly losing money in the process, but it also takes it toll on me physically as I rush to get to the phone before the phone stops ringing. One of these days I expect to trip, fall & break some bones or worse. I don’t mind charging in this way if it is for something useful, or to talk to a friend or family. It gets to me when it’s just rubbish. These days if the voice at the other end doesn’t speak immediately, or I hear a pre-recorded voice or the sounds of phone exchange, I just put the receiver straight down. I’ve had enough.

1 comment:

Malcolm said...

we're experiencing the same thing of late, even though we too had opted out. I find it can take both a physical and a mental toll dealing with these intrusions into one's rest time!